
Rodents are pests that cause problems whether they live inside or outside of our homes. Outside they cause damage to our lawns and gardens, and inside they contaminate food, spread diseases, and cause structural damage. There is no winning when it comes to rodents living on your property. Rodents make up the largest group of mammals and have adapted to living in rural areas, suburban areas, and urban areas; rodents can become a problem in any home or business. Their ability to climb walls, jump, and squeeze their bodies through tiny spaces makes keeping these pests out of our homes a difficult task. In Serve, Norway rats, house mice, field mice, and voles are regular visitors to our yards, homes, and commercial properties.

The best way to protect your home and family from the problems that rodents introduce is to know the signs of their presence. Rodents are fast breeders and should never be allowed to live inside a home for a day longer than necessary. One pregnant female can quickly turn into 12 mice in just a few weeks. If rodents are in your home, you will begin to notice their dark, rice-like droppings on the floor, counters, or in drawers. They will use their teeth to gnaw on wood trim, boxes, furniture, and other items in your home. Mice are always hungry, and finding holes chewed in food packaging is a telltale sign of a rodent problem. Voles usually stay outside in our yards, but they also leave behind signs like gnaw marks on the bark of small trees and dirt runways they create in the grass. At the first inkling of rodents taking over your home or yard, call a professional for help – the fastest and easiest way to eliminate these problematic pests!

If rodents ever become a problem on your property, the professionals at Serve can help. We will put into place a rodent control program that will provide year-round relief. In addition, the following prevention tips can help you protect your yard and home from rodents:

How to get rid guide?

  • Mow your lawn frequently to keep the grass short and make it less appealing to voles.
  • Take the time to inspect your home’s exterior and seal any openings you find using a strong material that rodents can’t chew their way through.
  • Eliminate food sources by keeping lids on trash cans and keeping outdoor eating areas and your kitchen free of food debris.
  • Reduce the clutter in both your yard and home where rodents can hide.